Sophia Marguerite Boeschoten

Sophia Marguerite Boeschoten

Sophia Marguerite Boeschoten  (Utrecht 1984) lives and works in The Hague.


As a child, she believed to be from another world and practiced her own religion. The landscapes of this parallel world are still the main inspiration for her artistry. With her installations, she wants to give the viewer an insight into his/her own parallel world. She uses different media, i.a. painting, video, music, poetry, and performance. The different elements of the installations also function as autonomous artworks. Since graduating at the Royal Academy of The Hague in 2016 Sophia has exhibited in different galleries, i.a. Baracca (2018), Hoop Expo (2019), and De Aanschouw (2019). In 2020 she takes part in different international artist-in-residencies to focus on her conceptual research.

