Florens Kool

Florens Kool

Florens Kool, lives and works in Utrecht.


In my work I try to connect my interest in classical painting subjects, like expression of materials, color- and shadow effects, perspective and illusionism, to  a more contemporary interpretation of this. I'm interested in a form of realism where everyday subjectmatter is placed within balanced compositions. I put a strong emphasis on the use of paint and how this relates to the material depicted. 

I try to aim, through it's size and precision, for an attentive gaze from te viewer. By trying to accurately depicting various prosaic details the viewer comes in contact with images that would normally, in all it's banality, pass us by. In a time where we are repeatedly confronted with quick and sensational impulses, often aimed at consumption or entertainment, I hope my work gives room for the less sensational , but ever present, aspects of our everyday surroundings. 


You can find Florens Kool his CV here

