Emmy Vollard

Emmy Vollard

Emmy Vollaard (Numansdorp, 1991) lives and works in Rotterdam.


The root of her practice is in the desire to show the layers of thought patterns and behavior of someone suffering from an eating disorder. She brings this into more general known thematics as the need for (self)control, ritualistic compulsive actions and rules, the containment of emotions. The works are representing an aspect of the phrase ‘ascese’; the repeating of crossing one's borders physically and mentally and restricting one's passions and urges to be as pure, empty, and perfect as possible. In her current work - research called ‘Body hair’, she visualizes shame, sensuality, a sense of self, and the sexuality and vulnerability of the human body through drawings of body hair and skin. Around this series, she creates rituals and performances with scent, herbalism, and movement. 

