Astrid Busch

Astrid Busch

Astrid Busch's works encompass installations, photographs, paper works, objects, and moving images. Her works are often based on architectural designs or places that she investigates for their sensual perceptibility and their impact on the human being. Her motifs refer to found and self-created images that are transformed and altered in dimensions and then translated onto various image carriers in the space under complex lighting conditions.
She artistically examines buildings and places for their sensual perceptibility and effect on
people. In doing so, she takes into account the specific conditions of the respective places, so
that lighting conditions, sounds and noises, in addition to material characteristics, flow into the works. Different media and temporal levels are thereby linked, creating a dense network of references and a variety of possible readings.

Astrid Busch (Krefeld, 1968) studied at the Academy of Fine Arts Nuremberg and the Weißensee Academy of Art Berlin, where she graduated as a masters student of Prof. Katharina Grosse. She lives and works in Berlin and Düsseldorf.


